3rd May 2018

Rushlight Built Environment Briefing

Sustainable Innovations for the Urban Built Environment at Smith & Williamson LLP, London.

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24 May 2018

Investor Briefing

Raising £3-15m Finance for Cleantech Companies at Ingenious Group, London

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14 June 2018

Rushlight Summer Showcase

Exhibition & Cleantech Showcase Conference – Church House Westminster, London

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30 November 2018

Rushlight Awards

Entries will reopen in June with a closing date of 30 November

See the list of successful entrants of the 11th year of the Rushlight Awards.

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30th January 2019

Rushlight Show

Exhibition & Conferences at The Royal Society, London.

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3rd October 2017

Rushlight Briefing

Scaling-up a Cleantech Business at Smith & Williamson LLP, London.

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Welcome to Rushlight

Rushlight Events are designed to promote the development and deployment of clean technologies, innovation and sustainable solutions. The events are exceptional networking opportunities and they are suitable for small & large companies, advisers, investors, financiers, consultants, analysts, media and other sector followers. Some of our events will focus on the stage of a technology before it has become the accepted norm, and others will cover sustainable solutions that have successfully broken into the market. Other events, such as the Built Environment Briefings, focus on where the technologies need to go to develop suitable and necessary solutions and what solutions currently exist for built environment professionals.

The Rushlight Awards have now been running for 12 years. Our hugely successful Rushlight Show has completed its 9th year and it has spawned the Rushlight Summer Showcase which was launched in June 2017 to provide major opportunities for cleantech companies to meet investors, financiers, intermediaries, corporate venturers and customers every 6 months.

Our series of early evening briefings provide the content and opportunities of a full day conference, with leading speakers and panellists, excellent venues and effective networking but at a tithe of the price and outside the normal working hours. These include our Investor Briefings, Energy Briefings, Built Environment Briefings, Resource Briefings, BioBriefings and Transport Briefings.

We are the leading provider of key events in this sector with an extensive database of market participants, excellent relationships with major cleantech stakeholders and an ever-expanding network both in the UK & Ireland and internationally.

In addition to events, we also provide a number of support or incubation and accelerator services to clean technology developers, including but not limited to:

  • key partner introductions
  • mentoring, non-execs, interim, part-time permanent and other senior management solutions
  • business and market strategy
  • investor readiness and financial planning
  • investor introductions
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We are proud to have founded the London Cleantech Cluster in 2012 and continue to support it. We are also heavily involved in the resource sector and the circular economy through our collaboration with the London Community Resource Network and now with the RSA Sustainability Network.

Eventure Media (trading as Rushlight Events) takes the handling and processing of personal data very seriously and full care has been taken to adhere to the letter and spirit of the latest regulations on this topic. Please refer to the company’s privacy policy at https://www.eventuremedia.co.uk/site-map-2-ts-and-cs/private-policy/ for full details.

Similarly, the company operates transparent terms and conditions and these are to be found in the relevant event webpages and at https://www.eventuremedia.co.uk/site-map-2-ts-and-cs/terms-condition/.





Cleantech Co News