Applications are open for the KTN Agri-Food Tech Investment Showcase 2020, now in its fourth year. If you’re an innovative Agri-Food Tech company, this could be your opportunity to pitch to private investors who want to invest in the sector.

Who can apply?

This opportunity is open to all Agri-Food Tech companies seeking private investment. Companies who have presented at two of the previous showcases without significant changes to their ask will not be eligible.

Key dates

Application and selection

  • 6 May: Applications close
  • 15 May: Applicants find out if they’ve been selected

Pitch Training Programme

  • 17 or 23 June: Pitch training
  • 12 or 19 August: Additional training session
  • 15-16 September: Pitch critique with video feedback
  • 1-2 October: Final pitch presentation to the selection panel (made of KTN, Innovate UK, Rabobank and Farm491) to be selected to present at the Showcase

Agri-Food Tech Investment Showcase

  • 19 October: Presentations from the selected companies

If any of the training/events can’t be held in person due to COVID-19, KTN will organise an online alternative.


“The KTN Agritech Showcase was a great event for Stable. We received a great deal of support to perfect our pitch, which paid real dividends on the day as 9 investors contacted us immediately after the event.”
Richard Counsell - CEO of Stable - Raised over £6m in 2 fundraising rounds (in 2016 and 2019)

Click here to find out more about the Agri-Food Tech Investment Showcase.