BioGas: A Sustainable Fuel for Today

12 March 2014

5.30pm to 9pm

Hosted by

25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY

Biogas has arrived. While shale gas has been attracting large amounts of media attention, biogas has been developing quietly. There have been major technical, regulatory and cost barriers to overcome, but one by one these are being addressed. The latest Quality Protocol for Biomethane is a major step towards the recognition of the potential for biogas and finally removes the waste tag.

Technology has moved forward significantly in order to address the issues associated with variable feedstock and the sensitivity of the anaerobic digestive process. There are now ready solutions for feedstock variability and specific feedstocks with high nitrogen and other troublesome content.

The benefits of plant clustering are also coming to the fore. Grid connection provides greater flexibility for the siting of plants close to the feedstocks, as it removes the challenge of finding sufficiently reliable demand for the heat offtake for integrated CHP systems. Stand-alone plants typically work with a CHP system attached, but finding a use for all the heat was quite often a problem. The cost of a single plant grid connection required a volume of biogas that was too high for most rural-based plants, but clustering plants and sharing a grid connection can change the economics dramatically.

This seminar will bring you right up-to-date with the regulatory, technological and economic developments of biogas, as the acceleration of the rollout of new AD plants and landfill site exploitation combine to enable biogas to make a notable contribution to the gas grid.


5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome – Andrew Bond, Smith & Williamson. His presentation is HERE

6.05pm Introduction – Clive Hall, Rushlight Events

6.10pm Biogas in the UK - Michael Goldsworthy, Consultant, NNFCC. His presentation is HERE

6.30pm The Quality Protocol for Biomethane - Matt Hindle, Policy Manager, ADBA. His presentation is HERE

6.50pm New technical developments in biogas – Colin Steel, CEO and Jorgen Fink, International Sales Manager, Xergi. Their presentation is HERE

7.10pm Discussion Panel and Q&A, augmented by:

Stirling Habbitts, VP ING Bank

Tony Wilson, Director Construction and Operations, Tamar Energy

Stuart Easterbrook, Contracts Manager UK Gas Distribution, National Grid

8.00pm Networking, drinks and food

9.00pm Close

The recordings of the talks can be found HERE


Rushlight BioBriefings will cover the full range of subjects that make up the cleantech and sustainable topics in the bioeconomy, including biomass, biofuels, biogas and other bioenergy subsets, anaerobic digestion, composting, biorefining, bioingredients and biomaterials.


Michael Goldsworthy - NNFCC

Michael obtained undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in biological sciences from the University of Exeter and has notable expertise in the fields of biotechnology and microbiology. His Shell-funded PhD sought to evaluate the potential of microbial organisms to be deployed as industrial biocatalysts in the manufacture of advanced biofuels, with particular emphasis placed on the bacterial synthesis of hydrocarbons. Michael’s work assisted in the identification of a number of candidate bacterial strains that are currently undergoing further investigation by Shell.

Matt Hindle - ADBA

Matt is the Policy Manager at The Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association. He has spent the last 3 years supporting the development of AD and biogas in the UK, with particular focus on necessary policy and legislative changes. Prior to this, he spent 3 years as a parliamentary adviser and researcher.

Tony Wilson - Tamar Energy

Tony is a vastly experienced executive who joined Tamar Energy in September 2012. His senior roles have included Commercial Director and then Managing Director for EDF Energy Powerlink, Head of Utilities for CLM (the London 2012 Olympic Delivery Partner), Programme Director at DECC for the UK’s first Carbon Capture and Storage demonstration project and Project Director at Southern Water for a major transformation of their AMP5 Capital Delivery programme.

Colin Steel- Xergi

Colin started his career in agricultural equipment and mechanisation. As an engineer he spent many years working in the UK and overseas in product development with innovative new technologies and systems that were seen as ground breaking at that time. After several years in management roles with equipment companies in the UK, Holland and Germany, Colin joined Xergi in 2008. As Country Manager tasked to build Xergi’s presence in the UK and Ireland, Colin has been extensively involved in AD projects from conception through to delivery and operation. Very much hands on, Colin has an extensive understanding of technology with a strong commercial head.

Jorgen Fink - Xergi

Jorgen is International Sales Manager at Xergi.

Stirling Habbitts - ING Bank

Stirling is specialised in limited or non-recourse project finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects based on project cash-flows. His project experience includes wind, solar, geothermal, waste to energy, biogas and energy efficiency. Before joining ING Bank, Stirling worked in audit and advisory at KPMG in Sydney, Australia. Stirling has a masters in mechanical engineering and a masters in environmental engineering and sustainable infrastructure.

Stuart Easterbrook - National Grid

Stuart heads up the Contract Management team in National Grid Gas Distribution which is responsible for a number of areas including the contractual and commercial aspects of National Grid’s connections for biomethane gas to grid projects. National Grid has received over 180 enquiries for gas to grid projects over the last 12 months and is currently managing 46 live projects. Stuart has worked in many Operational and Commercial areas of National Grid during his career, covering both Gas and Electricity, including project design and construction, procurement, pricing and generating station connections.

Waste to Energy

Wednesday 5th June 2013

5.30pm to 9pm

Hosted by

One London Wall, London, EC2Y 5EB

The role and importance of waste to energy in the waste hierarchy and as a means by which resource is not sent to landfill is now much better understood. Technology has evolved quickly in this area and systems to extract economic recyclates from the resource stream to leave waste with calorific value which can be converted to power without environmental disadvantages are now developed. The challenge now is to address planning hurdles, resource miles, energy efficiency, financial turbulence and optimal recycling before waste to energy.

This briefing will cover the main issues facing waste to energy today and provide the very latest thinking and technological solutions to overcome the current hurdles.

Agenda for the evening

5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome – Dan Wright, Partner, Osborne Clarke

6.05pm Introduction - Clive Hall, Rushlight Events

6.10pm Options & Opportunities for new advanced waste to energy technologies - Geraint Evans, NNFCC

Presentation is HERE

6.30pm Switching to high efficiency Energy from Waste - Ian Hargraves, Technical Director Energy from Waste, Grontmij

Presentation is HERE

6.50pm A developer’s view - Myles Kitcher, Peel Environmental

Presentation is HERE

7.10pm Discussion Panel and Q&A, augmented by

Alon Laniado, Director at Eternity Capital

Shaun Askins, Strategic Waste Manager at Luton Borough Council

Andrew Morris, Finance & Corporate Development Director at Advanced Plasma Power

7.45pm Networking, drinks and food

9.00pm Close

Rushlight BioBriefings will cover the full range of subjects that make up the cleantech and sustainable topics in the bioeconomy, including biomass, biofuels, biogas and other bioenergy subsets, anaerobic digestion, composting, biorefining, bioingredients and biomaterials.


Geraint Evans, NNFCC

Geraint joined the company in January 2007 after 20 years working in the coal and oil industries in marketing, operations and research. He is a Chemical Engineer specialising in fuels and energy, particularly in the area of solid fuels production, conversion and utilisation. He works within the energy sectors identifying strategies, barriers and opportunities for biofuels, bioheat and bioenergy out to 2020 and 2050 – his particular specialism is in the area of advanced thermal technologies. He advises and works with a number of companies and Government departments. For the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, he supports the development of energy policies, most notably the Renewables Obligation and the EMR on Advanced Conversion Technologies.

Ian Hargraves – Grontmij

Ian joined Grontmij in 2012 as Technical Director of their growing Waste to Energy team. His focus is on delivering Grontmij’s ‘WtE – A Whole Life Approach’ strategy for resource recovery and high efficiency energy production from various solid waste streams. Most of his work is currently around anaerobic digestion and advanced conversion technologies for various biomasses and MSW.

Ian is a Chartered Waste Manager and a founder member of the CIWM Biowaste Special Interest Group as well as a founder member of the BioCompost Alliance. He has a background in energy generation including coal, oil, gas and nuclear from 20MW to 2000MW. On leaving the nuclear industry in 1989 Ian joined the environmental sector working on in-vessel composting systems and MBT plants around the world. In 2008, utilising his experience of waste and power systems, he developed and successfully demonstrated an advanced pyrolysis system with CHP running on composted MSW.

Myles Kitcher, Peel Environmental

Myles Kitcher is Managing Director of Peel Environmental Limited, a developer of infrastructure in the waste, mineral and environmental technology sectors. He has been responsible for the delivery of a number of large waste and energy projects and continues to develop and evaluate new business opportunities – working with investors, technology providers, waste managers and contractors. Peel Environmental is part of the Peel Group which is a leading infrastructure, transport and real estate investment company in the UK. Myles is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

Alon Laniado, Eternity Capital

Alon is the Director of Eternity Capital, a specialist group that provides funding dedicated to waste recycling and waste-to-energy companies. Alon started his career at Bain&co, where he advised on private equity transitions and on developing growth plans for UK and international companies. He also worked as senior policy advisor at HM Treasury on public-private investment programmes.

Shaun Askins, Luton Borough Council

I am currently the Strategic Waste Manager for Luton Borough Council, who have been a successful Unitary Authority since 1997. Prior to joining Luton in 2009, I worked at Bedfordshire County Council as the Waste Contract Manger, leading on the procurement & delivery of Waste Disposal, Recycling and landfill engineering /restoration projects. I was the principal/owner in a waste management consultancy GreenStone Environmental’ for over 9 years, providing operational management primarily for local authorities undertaking capital works, waste audits and acting as Clients lead on major landfill engineering & restoration projects. I enjoy the benefits of living in St Albans and am a keen, albeit relaxed skier, and a supporter of Leeds United.

Andrew Morris, Advance Plasma Power

Andrew joined Advanced Plasma Power in June 2008 and heads up the Finance and Corporate Development areas of the company. Andrew is a renewable energy professional and has spent ten years working in solar PV, biofuels and waste to energy sectors. Before joining APP Andrew was Chief Operating Officer at Bioethanol Ltd, a biofuels development company. At Bioethanol Andrew was responsible for all aspects of project development and finance in connection with a large scale 200ktp bioethanol plant. Andrew is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants and has a degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

BioMaterials: Challenges & Opportunities

Wednesday 13th March 2013

5.30pm to 9pm

Hosted by

5 Fleet Place 
London EC4M 7RD

This fourth event of the series will look at the challenges and opportunities for biomaterials. It will set out how biomaterials are currently being developed, how the market is evolving for such products and the investing opportunities.

Rushlight BioBriefings will cover the full range of subjects that make up the cleantech and sustainable topics in the bioeconomy, including biomass, biofuels, biogas and other bioenergy subsets, anaerobic digestion, composting, biorefining, bioingredients and biomaterials.

Agenda for the evening

5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome and introduction – Jennifer Pierce, Charles Russell LLP

6.10pm BioMaterials: the real value bio supply chain - John Williams, Head of Materials for Energy & Industry, NNFCC

Presentation is HERE

6.30pm The sustainable packaging jigsaw - Andrew Bayliff, R&D Director, Innovia Films

Presentation is HERE

6.50pm Market Development - Sir Roger Jones, OBE pharmaceutical industry

7.00pm Discussion Panel and Q&A, augmented by Jan Terje Nielsen, Kebony; Mark James, Sinvestec and Lutz Richter, BioResins.

7.45pm Networking, drinks and food

9.00pm Close

Read: Biotechnology: the industry revolution that is here and now by Life-Size-Media.


Jennifer Pierce, Charles Russell LLP

Jennifer Pierce is a partner in Charles Russell’s cleantech group. She specialises in intellectual property and commercial work, on both a national and international basis. Her clients are involved in most sectors relevant to cleantech, including environmentally friendly materials, engineering for wind farms and efficient automotive development, IT in the form of data centre technology and important environmental databases. Jennifer also works with clients generally in the fields of biotechnology, chemicals, engineering, electronics, and IT. She is currently the President of the Licensing Executives Society, Britain & Ireland and is the editor and a major contributor (with Iain Purvis QC) to “Working with Technology, Law and Practice.

John Williams, NNFCC

John is NNFCC’s Head of materials. He is responsible for identifying and directing market and investment opportunities in renewable materials and also the bulk and commodity chemical markets. This involves direct interaction with the global supply chain in, feedstock, manufacture, processing and marketing as well as post use issues in recycling and disposal. The brief requires engagement with investment platforms, multi-national organisations, SME’s, academia and government departments. John is a chartered chemist and an experienced industrial technical director, having worked extensively in product and process development for both multinational and SME organisations in the adhesives and polymer coatings industries. John holds a degree in Chemistry and doctorate in polymer chemistry and is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Institute of Directors, and European Chemical Society. A keen rugby fan and regularly supports his old club Sale Sharks.

Andrew Bayliff, Innovia Films

Andrew has been the R&D Director for Innovia Films since 2008. Innovia Films is a leading global producer of speciality high performance Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) and Cellulose films for packaging and labels, with a considerable development portfolio which includes a focus on renewable & sustainable platforms with favourable end of life options. He is a chemist by training and has worked in the manufacturing sector for most of his career, holding senior positions in R&D, marketing and Operations/General Management. Andrew has worked for significant periods in the surface coatings and oil industries and has also managed a start-up company specialising in green chemistry which was floated on Plus Markets.

Sir Roger Jones

Sir Roger Jones is a successful Pharmaceutical entrepreneur who has applied some of his thinking to other opportunities in bioscience. The first fifteen years of his career was spent with the Wellcome Foundation where he was involved with the interface between new product development and Marketing. He established his own Contract Development company called Penn Pharmaceuticals which he sold in 1999 in a Management Buyout. He was a Governor of the BBC and Chairman of the Welsh Development Agency. He established ZooBiotic Ltd, (Biomonde), which is the world leading company in wound healing using laval therapy; Phytovation Ltd which reduces particle size of therapeutic botanicals; Agroceutical Products Ltd innovative drugs from botanicals , and Biofuels Wales which has become a leader in delignification technology. He is currently the Chairman and ProChancellor of Swansea University.

Jan Terje Nielsen, Kebony

Jan Terje Nielsen – Director of Marketing at Kebony - joined the company in October 2007. Jan has 16 years of marketing experience and holds a Diploma in Marketing and Communications from IFM. Kebony, founded in 1997, is a cutting edge Norwegian company offering a sustainable alternative to tropical hardwood and toxic-treated wood. Through the environmentally-friendly process of ‘Kebonization’, sustainable wood species are turned into Kebony, which has comparable if not superior properties to that of tropical hardwood. This new wood has been used in a number of internationally renowned projects in applications including decking, flooring, cladding, roofing, windows, furniture and other construction materials. Since joining Kebony Jan has developed the brand by utilizing design, associations, identity, positioning and values to create lasting results and a revenue generating company. Through Jan’s work the company has received several international awards in areas of entrepreneurship, branding and environment including the Rushlight Award, 2012 Cleantech Connect Award and Best Business Award for Best Innovation. Kebony has received international media attention - over 1,000 pieces of online, print and broadcast coverage have appeared - and secured international sales enquiries across the globe.

Mark James, Sinvestec

Mark James is a senior partner in Sinvestec, a private Holdings & Investments group. Since 2009 Sinvestec has been developing an international portfolio of enterprise and investments to exploit opportunities in the areas of Bio-based technologies, Renewables and low Carbon resource efficient clean technologies. Mark is responsible for Sinvestec’s strategic direction through two key profiles, an Enterprise Portfolio for the development of Sinvestec’s own Companies, Projects, Ventures, Assets, Technology Licencing & IP and an Investments Portfolio which is a combination of standalone and joint-investments through SPV and collaborative Partnerships.

Mark has worked in business development roles for over 25 years in a number of sectors including Technology, Media, Retail, and Environmental. He now applies his broad range of experience to capturing new opportunities in the development of enterprises and Investment propositions in sustainability-focused markets.

Lutz Richter,

German national born 1940 in Hameln, Germany. Education to Mechanical Engineering Degree in Cologne. Was sent to Britain by his employer in 1969 to start an engineering products distribution company which became the most successful of its kind in Britain. Later took over this company. Sold out well in 1997 and invested in a plastic bags company that failed after big losses. After learning about the bio resins industry started 6 years ago A&O FilmPAC, bio resins division under the name of Despite great interest in such products (500 enquiries at the K show) but with very little actual demand in bio resins has been struggling since to build it into a commercial success.

The Future Prospects for Biofuels

Thursday, 29 November 2012

5.30pm to 9pm

Hosted by

3 Waterhouse Square, 142 Holborn, London, EC1N 2SW

This third event of the series will look at the future prospects for biofuels. Even the most ardent supporters of biofuels will admit that there has been a chequered history for this type of fuel. Whether it has been food-vs-fuel debates, an uncertain regulatory regime, subsidies in the US skewing the market, technological challenges in scaling up and vehicle manufacturers withdrawing guarantees, biofuels has suffered from them all. However, the UCO conversion market is now in full swing, to such an extent that UCO has become valuable enough to steal, large plants are back in production and organic residues from manufacturing are now being used to produce fuel.

With the continued development of second and third generation biofuels, can biofuels find a role as a short to medium term carbon footprint reducer for carbon intensive fuels and, in the longer term, are biofuels the answer for long haul logistics and as a flexible product from organic waste?

Rushlight BioBriefings will cover the full range of subjects that make up the cleantech and sustainable topics in the bioeconomy, including biomass, biofuels, biogas and other bioenergy subsets, anaerobic digestion, composting, biorefining, bioingredients and biomaterials.

Agenda for the evening

5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome and introduction - Gareth Baker, Wragge & Co LLP

6.10pm UK and European Biofuels activity - Geraint Evans, NNFCC

Presentation is HERE

6.30pm Key contract, regulatory and permitting issues - Gareth Baker, Wragge & Co LLP

Presentation is HERE

6.50pm An industry prospective - Stuart Hayward-Higham, Sita

Presentation is HERE

7.05pm Producer perspective - Sam Cockerill, Ensus

Presentation is HERE

7.10pm Discussion Panel and Q&A, augmented by Nicole Kalas, Imperial College London and David Knibbs, Vireol

7.45pm Networking, drinks and food

9.00pm Close


Geraint Evans - Head of Biofuels & Bioenergy, NNFCC

Geraint joined the company in January 2007 after 20 years working in the coal and oil industries in marketing, operations and research. He is a Chemical Engineer specialising in fuels and energy, particularly in the area of solid fuels production, conversion and utilisation. He works within the energy sectors identifying strategies, barriers and opportunities for biofuels, bioheat and bioenergy out to 2020 and 2050 - his particular specialism is in the area of advanced thermal technologies. He advises and works with a number of companies and Government departments. For the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, he supports the development of energy policies, most notably the Renewables Obligation and the EMR on Advanced Conversion Technologies.

Gareth Baker - Head of Corporate Energy Team, Wragge & Co

Gareth’s experience spans the energy and power sectors and includes advising major oil companies like BP on a number of matters including the Euro 1 Billion acquisition of Chevron’s Benelux refining and renewable assets and also BP’s joint venture with British Sugar and DuPont in Vivergo Fuels. He has also advised AMEC on various transactions relating to the nuclear sector. He is currently on secondment with Infinis, a leading UK renewable energy generator owned by Terra Firma and has recently led an onshore wind project financing, closing a £75M facility with the National Australia Bank.

Sam Cockerill, Ensus Group

Sam Cockerill is Business Development director with Ensus, who operate one of Europe’s largest biorefineries located in the North East of England. He has co-authored a number of published scientific papers underpinning the sustainability of grain biorefining. Sam is a chartered mechanical engineer with an INSEAD MBA and 19 years experience in technology development, general management and strategy consulting roles. He is a non-executive Director of Providence Holdings, a UK based agricultural supply chain management business, and founder of cleantech startup Libertine FPE developing small, highly efficient power generators.

Nicole Kalas, Imperial College London

Nicole Kalas is a Climate-KIC Doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London. Her research interests interest include the sustainability modelling of bioenergy and biorefinery supply chains, the implications of land-use change on carbon stocks, life cycle analysis, and climate change mitigation.

Anaerobic Digestion: Accelerating the Rollout

Thursday, 27 September 2012

5.30pm to 9pm

Hosted by

1 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7WS

This second event of the series set out the key elements that ensure that the rollout of anaerobic digestion facilities continues to accelerate. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the subsidies that are going to be available, the fundamentals of AD continue to improve, with developing technologies, expertise, routes to market, finance and supportive regulations. However, there are a number of issues that must be considered and addressed before a new plant can be commissioned successfully.

Agenda for the evening

5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome - Iwan Walters, Partner Eversheds LLP

6.05pm Introduction - Clive Hall, Rushlight Events

6.10pm UK and European AD activity - Lucy Hopwood, NNFCC.

Her presentation is HERE.

6.30pm Key contract issues and renewable benefits - Jean-Pascal Boutin, Partner Eversheds LLP and Clare Keates, Associate Eversheds.

Presentations are HERE.

6.50pm AD finance issues - Mike Dunn, Director Iona Capital.

Presentation is HERE.

7.10pm Discussion Panel and Q&A, augmented by Wayne Hubbard, COO London Waste & Recycling Board, and Richard Gueterbock, Director Clearfleau (whose presentation is HERE)

7.30pm Networking, drinks and food

9.00pm Close


Lucy Hopwood - Head of Biomass & Biogas, NNFCC

Lucy leads NNFCCs activities on biomass and biogas; managing a team responsible for providing strategic advice, planning and technical support on sourcing or providing feedstocks, adding value, or installing and operating technologies. Lucy and her team’s objectives are to de-risk developers and investors decisions and to provide technical support to policy makers to help shape the future policy landscape. Lucy has been involved in biogas for the past 10 years and she is widely recognized as an impartial expert in this field; she actively participates in leading industry networks and sits on a number of steering committees, including the AD Strategy & Action Plan Delivery Committee. Her strengths include feedstock sustainability, policy and regulation. She comes from a farming background bringing practical experience with a strong and current understanding of the industry. Lucy is a member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants and earlier this year won their Young Consultant of the Year Award for her work on biogas.

Michael Dunn - Director, Iona Capital

Michael is a Director with Iona Capital, a private equity company that manages retail and institutional funds targeting the energy from waste sector and specifically seeks to invest in anaerobic digestion projects that require external funding. Iona Capital has recently completed a £6m investment, with Biogen Ltd as the operating partner, in an SPV co-owned with Biogen Ltd. He has held senior level positions with Shanks Group , Veolia Group and Amey Group. He currently holds a variety of sector-related non executive director roles including sitting on London Waste Ltd’s board. He has a Masters in Finance degree from the London Business School.

Jean-Pascal Boutin - Partner, Eversheds

Jean-Pascal specialises in renewable and conventional energy and PPP/PFI projects, in particular in the waste sector. His renewable energy experience includes advising on the renewable energy regulations (including the renewable obligation certificates (‘ROCs’), feed in tariffs (‘FiTs’), renewable heat incentive (‘RHI’), energy service companies (‘Escos’)), power purchase/energy supply agreements, connection agreements and fuel supply agreements in the context of onshore and offshore wind, marine, AD, CHPs and wood fired boilers, as the case may be. He has advised banks, developers, suppliers, the public sector and housing associations in the areas detailed above. He regularly advises on PPP/PFI projects, advising both the public and private sector, in particular in waste/energy from waste (including on outline business cases, competitive dialogue, interface issues and joint working) in the context of landfill contracts, IVC/composting contracts, energy from waste facilities, AD food waste treatment projects, MBT projects and transfer stations. He has also advised on AD biogas conversion projects and the export of biomethane into the gas grid.

Richard Gueterbock - Director, Clearfleau

Richard Gueterbock is a Director of Clearfleau, with responsibility for marketing and business development. A founder shareholder, he initiated the company’s focus on on-site digestion of food processing residues and has been responsible for developing the profile of the business in the UK AD sector. He is active with other British AD companies in promoting the viability of smaller scale anaerobic digestion solutions for industry, farm and community sites. Before setting up Clearfleau, Richard was involved in the agribusiness, food and biotech sectors. He is also a Trustee of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE).

Delivering Biomass Power and CHP

Monday, 16 July 2012

5.30pm to 9pm

Hosted by

1 New Change, London, EC4M 9AF

This opening event of the series set out the key elements that ensure that a biomass power plant or CHP proposal becomes a reality. There are many biomass plants in planning and there is no doubt that biomass can have a significantly beneficial effect on our environment by displacing fossil-fuelled alternatives for power and heat. However, there are a number of issues that must be considered and addressed before a new plant can be constructed successfully, either as a grid-connected utility or as a distributed energy plant.

Rushlight BioBriefings will cover the full range of subjects that make up the cleantech and sustainable topics in the bioeconomy, including biomass, biofuels, biogas and other bioenergy subsets, anaerobic digestion, composting, biorefining, bioingredients and biomaterials.

Agenda for the evening

5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome - Sebastian Charles, K&L Gates

6.05pm Introduction - Clive Hall, Rushlight Events

6.10pm UK and European Biomass power activity - Lucy Hopwood, NNFCC. Her presentation is here.

6.30pm Planning Biomass plants - Sebastian Charles, K&L Gates.

His presentation is here.

6.50pm How to address Biomass Power and CHP project finance issues - Claudio Vescovo, BNP Paribas Clean Energy Partners.

His presentation is here.

7.10pm Discussion Panel and Q&A, augmented by Nigel Staves, RWE Npower Tilbury Power Station Manager and Sam Cheung, McLellan and Partners

7.30pm Networking, drinks and food

9.00pm Close


Lucy Hopwood - Head of Biomass & Biogas, NNFCC

Lucy is a Senior Consultant with NNFCC, responsible for providing strategic advice, planning and technical support around sourcing or providing feedstocks for biorenewables, adding value to raw materials, or installing and operating biomass and biogas technologies. She has been involved in biomass and biogas for the past 10 years and she is widely recognized as an impartial expert in this field; she actively participates in leading industry networks and sits on a number of steering committees. Her strengths include bioenergy feedstock sustainability, policy and regulation. She comes from a farming background bringing practical experience with a strong and current understanding of the industry. Lucy is a member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants and earlier this year won their Young Consultant of the Year Award for her work on biomass and biogas.

Sebastian Charles - Partner K&L Gates LLP

Sebastian focuses on planning and environmental law and leads the practice in the London office of K&L Gates, one of the top ten largest global law firms. He has advised a wide range of clients in the energy, waste, manufacturing, health, education, leisure, retail, residential and commercial development sectors, on planning issues such as established uses, enforcement and a wide range of development proposals, including renewables. He has also advised on a range of environmental issues including power project consents, transfer of waste management licenses, the acquisition and redevelopment of contaminated and potentially contaminated land, the appointment of environmental consultants and appraisal of environmental insurance policies. He has been involved in environmental impact assessment, numerous due diligence exercises and the negotiation of environmental warranties and indemnities in corporate transactions.

Claudio Vescovo, Investment Manager, BNP Paribas Clean Energy Partners

Claudio has broad experience in the renewable energy sector, having operated both as an equity investor and a project financier. At BNP Paribas Clean Energy Partners he covers private equity investments across 4 different technologies (wind, solar photovoltaic, biomass and small scale hydro) throughout Europe. Prior to joining the fund, he worked in the project finance division of Fortis Bank, covering renewable energy and conventional power projects in Western and Eastern Europe. He is a recurrent lecturer at several business schools in the UK (Imperial College, Oxford, Greenwich) and Italy (LUISS, Sole 24 Ore Business School), and gives courses on energy markets and investments for the Italian Financial Market Association (AssiomForex). His articles on sustainable investments and climate change are often published on both financial and generalist magazines.

Sam Cheung - Principal Consulting Engineer and Head of Renewable Energy at McLellan and Partners

Sam has been engaged in the energy industry for over 30 years. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, as well as a Fellow of the Energy Institute. He gained his BSc and PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College and then spent many years working for British Gas and BP in various roles. He joined McLellan six years ago and has since been in charge of renewable energy and CHP projects. He has worked on many biomass, biofuel and biogas projects for both industrial and financial clients. His particular interests and expertise are on power generation technologies, CHPs, environmental regulations, financial modeling and operations.

Nigel Staves - RWE Npower

I have been in the Electricity Supply Industry for over 45 years. I joined the CEGB in 1966 as a craft apprentice electrician and went on the train as a power plant engineer, obtaining a BSc degree in Control Engineering at Sheffield in 1974. I was trained at Grimsby. Keadby and Thorpe Marsh coal fired power stations. (all now de-commissioned) and have held senior engineering positions at Thorpe Marsh and Eggborough Power Stations in Yorkshire. I have been a senior manager with National Power, Innogy and now RWE npower since 1991 and have managed the company’s Central Maintenance Facility at Ferrybridge and Pego Power Station in Portugal. I currently manage Littlebrook, a 2000MW Oil Fired Power Station in Kent and Tilbury Power Station which was a 1100MW Coal fired Power station but has recently been converted to 100% biomass (wood pellets) and is thought to be the largest biomass power plant in the world.