‘Thank you once again for organising the event last night. I thought it was a brilliant turnout and very well thought out. Please consider Monodraught for any future events you organise.’

Naghman Khan, Monodraught

‘Well done for putting on a very informative event, it was very useful indeed and people I spoke to certainly felt the same. Please keep me posted of the next events.’

Richard Ambrose, Technical Director Environment at AECOM

‘I thought it was a very interesting set of presentations and excellent debate after.’

Ed Allan, Director Libra Services

‘Thank you, it was a very interesting event and I’m only sorry I didn’t really get round the room to speak to more people! I look forward to hearing about future events.’

Magdalen Bush, APCO Worldwide

‘It was an interesting evening: I will look to come again; I hadn’t been expecting such a lively debate! ‘

Paul Baker, Principal Ambo Architects

‘I enjoyed the evening very much and thought the speakers were excellent.’

Rilla Paterson, Goodman Mann Broomhall

‘Congratulations on a successful inaugural evening - it was thoroughly enjoyable. The talks were all pitched right and in particular I enjoyed Liz and Jeremy’s contributions. I look forward to meeting you at the next event.’

Paul Farey, Director Davis Langdon

‘Yes, the evening was certainly informative and enjoyable. Thanks for pushing this important agenda - it is benefiting everyone in the industry and beyond. ‘

Mads Jensen, CEO Sefaira

‘I enjoyed the event and the networking afterwards.’

Hugh McCann, Verdantix

‘It was a very interesting evening and look forward to other similar events.

Sam Skillman, CEO e-Ressource UK Ltd

‘Thank you for organising the event. I found it very interesting and useful.’

Steve Edwards, Kudos Business Technologies

‘I found last night’s presentation absolutely fascinating. My interest lies in the emerging zero carbon framework for homes and in particular non dom buildings, so it was great to hear just how far you can get if you build to Passivehaus principles. 50-70% energy reduction against regs is a great achievement and certainly informs the optimum balance between an energy efficient fabric, low and zero carbon techs and the need for Allowable Solutions. Thanks for running such a great event.’

Ed Lock, Assistant Manager Sustainability Services Deloitte