Clean and Cool is looking to find the UK’s best young cleantech and sustainability companies that are looking to grow faster.

They have launched a competition to find 16-20 Clean + Cool entrepreneurs to take part in an entrepreneur mission to Silicon Valley and would like to invite you to apply.

The mission aims to bring together CEOs who are pioneering groundbreaking opportunities in the cleantech sector to explore cross-border opportunities and find faster ways to grow.

Winners will spend a week meeting potential customers, partners and investors and will learn from first-hand stories of Silicon Valley Innovation.

The mission is supported by Innovate UK and the Department of International Trade.

For more information and details on how to apply please visit

Applications are now open until 13/4/17.

If you’ve got any further questions, would like to express your interest or to get in touch with the rest of the Clean + Cool team, please feel free to contact them at [email protected].