Clean Capital, the London-based corporate finance advsiers, ran a very successful investor network for many years called the Clean Capital Champagnebox event. Rushlight Events are delighted to receive the baton to continue the regular cleantech investor network event, now on a quarterly basis, as the cleantech stream of the new Rushlight Innovation Capital Network (RICN).

The Clean Innovation Capital Network meetings will take place on the first Monday, which is not a bank holiday, of the third month of the quarter. The other two first Mondays of the months in the quarter will have Innovation Capital Network events focused on life sciences (LIFE) and ICT.

Companies wishing to present at the event, for sponsorships and participation, please contact Clive Hall on [email protected].

The Clean Innovation Capital Network will take place regularly in March, June, September and December.

Cleantech covers:

- Renewable energy

- Clean fuels and transport

- Energy efficiency

- Power generation & distribution

- Waste & resource management

- Water & wastewater.