The presentation to investors requires some planning so that the necessary information is imparted most effectively. It is easy to dwell too long on the favourite aspects when the full story is needed to come across in the best light. When you have 5 minutes to present the strengths of your business, you should divide the presentation suitably between the relevant parts of the following:
- Company name and what you do
- The technology – what it does primarily and only go into any of the detail of how it does it if it really aids understanding and value
- Intellectual property status: patents pending, registered and competitor search results
- The basic business model, what stage the company has reached and what remains to be done
- Special aspects concerning the business, unique selling points and value-adding assets
- Team
- Route to market and market engagement strategy
- Market potential
- Funds required
- 10. How the funds will be used
Finally, remember to speak up, know your business and enjoy yourself!