The biotech, pharma and life sciences sector has had a challenging period with investors looking for exits for existing investments before making any meaningful number of new investments. This brings into focus the need for investors to coordinate and work together to create and realise value.

Life Innovation Capital Network events will take place on the first Monday, which is not a bank holiday, of the second month each quarter, namely February, May, August and November.

Investors can register and attend for FREE. There is a small charge for companies and advisers to attend of £20 plus VAT and £30 plus VAT, respectively. Companies wishing to pitch at the event are asked to contact Clive Hall on [email protected]. For sponsorship opportunities and requests for other participation, please contact Clive as above.

Life covers:

- Life sciences

- Biotechnology

- Medical technology

- Pharmaceuticals

- Nutraceuticals

- Analytical and diagnostic services

- Wellbeing

- Personal security