Investor Briefing
Is energy storage and grid management the answer to keeping the lights on?
Wednesday 25th May 2016
5.30pm to 9pm
Hosted by
55 Baker Street, London W1U 7EU
The UK energy generation mix is rapidly changing. All non carbon abated coal fired powers stations will be closed by 20205, the proportion contributed by renewable energy is continuing to rise albeit in fist and starts whilst the future of our nuclear programme seems to rest in the hands of the board of EDF. All of this uncertainty is once again raising questions about the stability of the grid system and whether the Government has done enough to ensure sufficient capacity will still be available at times of peak demand or reduced supply.
Politicians hope that part of the answer may lie in moving the investment focus away from generation to demand side measures such as smart grid systems, demand response and energy storage. However these are relatively immature technologies and will require £100’s of millions of capital to be deployed in the next five years.
Our lively debate will focus on whether the current raft of Government policies go far enough to simulate the required capital spend in demand side measures, what else could be done and what are the risks of the actually lights going off ?
5.30pm Registration and networking (tea and coffee)
6.00pm Opening remarks (Forbury/BDO/Rushlight)
6.10pm Panel discussion, Chaired by Tom Heap and augmented by
Ricardo Energy & Environment
Red Triangle energy
7.45pm Networking (drinks and canapés)
9.00pm Close
Who should attend?
Fund managers, venture capitalists, private equity, high net worth individuals, business angels, analysts, brokers, corporate financial advisors, corporate investors, renewable energy developers, financiers, consultants, businesses in the energy infrastructure supply chain, power generators and distributors, energy storage companies, smart energy companies, technology providers, planners, advisers, analysts and other followers and participants in the energy sector.
Each delegate place costs £50 + VAT and places are strictly limited.
To register: call 020 7539 8000 OR email [email protected]