
Resourceful Conference



Chair: Julie Hill, Chair WRAP; Associate Green Alliance. Her presentation is HERE

10.15am Keynote: Reuse and Big Waste: Inder Poonaji, Head of Sustainability, Viridor. His presentation is HERE

10.30am Panel: Reuse infrastructure development

Chair: Adrian Collins, Chair, Surrey Reuse Network

Dickon Leigh-Wood, Managing Director, The Good Rubbish Company

Cat Fletcher, Reuse Manager, Brighton & Hove City Council; Brighton Waste House; Director, Freegle

Marcus Pheasant, Finance & Operations Director, Cambridgeshire Community Reuse & Recycling Network

Daniel O’Connor, Founder, Warp-It

11.15am BREAK

11.30am Panel: Remanufacturing, upcycling and recycling

Chair: David Fitzsimons, Director, Oakdene Hollins

Greg Lavery, Founder, Rype Office

Lucy Chamberlin, Head of Programme, RSA Great Recovery Project

Greg Clementson, Managing Director, G&P Batteries

Cyndi Rhoades, Chief Executive Officer, Worn Again

12.10 Panel: Company/ charity/ social entrepreneur relationships

Chair: Richard Featherstone, LCRN

David Cornish, Global Sustainability Manager - Resource Efficiency, Akzo Nobel

Mark Varney, Director of Food, FareShare

Martin Pearse, Network Manager, Community RePaint

Jim Collingham, Reuse Programme Manager, Braiform



Chair: Anne-Marie Benoy, Manager, All-Party Parliamentary Sustainable Resource Group

2.00pm Keynote: Crowdfunding your social enterprise - Theresa Burton, CEO Trillion Fund. Her presentation is HERE

2.15pm Keynote: Elena Giroli, Ouishare UK Connector. Her presentation is HERE

2.30pm Panel: Sharing and idle capacity utilisation

Chair: Elena Giroli, Ouishare UK Connector

Fiona Disegni, CEO, Rentez-Vous

Helen Williams, Chief Executive, Empty Homes Agency

Drummond Gilbert, Founder/ CEO, GoCarShare & Chair UKShareCo

Marius Roestad, Head of Product, Nimber

3.15pm BREAK

3.30pm Keynote: Nick Cliffe, Lead Technologist Resource Efficiency, Innovate UK. His presentation is HERE

3.45pm Panel: Rent & return, not buy and dump

Chair: Catherine Joce, Circular Economy Lead, KTN

Julian Thomas, CEO, Innoverne

Syed Ahmed, Director at SAVORTEX Ltd, a founding committee member at The Manufacturers Servitization Thought Leadership Network

Rob Kragt, CSR Manager, Desso

Martin Ruston, Risk & Compliance Manager, Stone Computers

4.30pm Close




Held in association with LCRN and kindly sponsored once again by the KTN, this conference focused on all aspects of resource reuse, including the key participants in the sector and the development of the necessary infrastructure to expand the volumes and take-up by society. This conference was designed to be of real value to resource and sustainability managers within industry, commerce, the public sector and the community.


Chair: Julie Hill, Chair at WRAP and Associate, Green Alliance

10.15am Keynote: Reuse in the UK: Progress so far - Julie Hill, Chair at WRAP and Associate, Green Alliance. Her presentation is HERE.

10.30am Panel: Companies developing reuse in the economy - organised by London Reuse Ltd

David Cornish, Global Sustainability Manager - Resource Efficiency, Akzo Nobel

Steven Moore, Net Good Consultant, BT

John Revess, Director of Group Sustainability, Rexam

11.15am BREAK

11.30am Keynote: Setting and Raising Standards for the Circular Economy: The Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Approach - Phil Sheppard, Cleantech Specialist, PERA Technology. His presentation is HERE.

11.45am Keynote: The Restart Project Story - Ugo Vallauri, Co-Founder, The Restart Project. His presentation is HERE.

12.00 noon Panel: Reuse in the Community

Chair: Charles Craft, Managing Director London Re-use Ltd

Graham Parry, Director Youth, Employment & Skills, Groundwork

Brian Kelly, Project Development Manager, Forest Recycling Project

Richard Featherstone, Network Development Manager, London Re-use Ltd

Nikki DiGiovanni, CEO Reuseful UK



Chair: Antony Buchan, LWaRB

2.00pm Keynote: Developing the London Resource Infrastructure - Antony Buchan, LWaRB. His presentation is HERE.

2.15pm Keynote: Reuse by the Community - Trewin Restorick, Founder Hubbub. His presentation is HERE.

2.30pm Speaker Panel: The Role and Activities of Local authorities

Chair: Peter Scholes, Principal Consultant, LRS Consultancy. His presentation is HERE.

Adam Herriott, Recycling Officer (Projects), Woking Borough Council. His presentation is HERE.

Ian McGeough, Programme Manager, Veolia. His presentation is HERE.

3.15pm BREAK

3.30pm Panel: Waste companies and the reuse challenge

Chair: Antony Buchan, LWaRB

Steve Bell, Reuse Manager, FCC Environment

Bruce Batley, CEO, First Mile Recycling

Ian McGeough, Programme Manager, Veolia

4.30pm Close



Held in association with LCRN and kindly sponsored by the Environmental Sustainability KTN, this conference focused on the waste/ resource reuse and recycling activities taking place in the UK and further afield, both from a strategic perspective and also from a fundamentally practical and local viewpoint. This conference was designed to be of real value to resource and sustainability managers within industry, commerce, the public sector and the community.


Chair: Julie Hill, Green Alliance & Chair Circular Economy Task Force

10.00am Keynote: Colin Church, Director Waste Policy, DEFRA. His presentation is HERE

10.20am Keynote: Julie Hill, Green Alliance & Chair Circular Economy Task Force. Her presentation is HERE

10.40am Keynote: Material reuse innovation - Kresse Wessling, Founder Elvis & Kresse. Her presentation is HERE

11.00am Role for local authorities in resource reuse

Chair: Wayne Hubbard, LWaRB

Panel: Sarah Ellis, West London Waste Authority

Stephen Didsbury, London Borough of Bexley

Wayne Lewis, Oxford Waste Partnership

David Sargent, London Waste

11.45am Community Reuse Schemes

Chair: Charles Craft, MD London Reuse Ltd

Panel: Graham Parry, Groundwork London

Richard Featherstone, London Reuse Ltd

Brian Kelly, Forest Recycling Project

12.30pm Lunch


Chair: Paul Levett, Chair LRS Consultancy

2.00pm Keynote: Designing products with longer resource life - Sophie Thomas, RSA Great Recovery Project. Her presentation is HERE

2.20pm Keynote: Rebuilding a service, repair and maintenance infrastructure - Mike Webster, LCRN. His presentation is HERE

2.40pm Reuse and recycling in corporate UK - Rachel Lombardi, International Synergies. Here presentation is HERE

3.20pm Waste operators’ reuse interests

Chair: Chris Murphy, CIWM

Panel: Stuart Hayward-Higham, Sita UK

James Capel, Simply Waste Solutions

David Rumble, Bywaters