Media Partners
We would like to thank the following media partners for their support of the Rushlight Awards:
Carbon Capture Journal https://www.carboncapturejournal.com/
Carbon Capture Journal is specifically about developments with industrial scale carbon capture and geological storage technology, with news about the major projects and development with government policy. The magazine, print and pdf versions and newsletter have over 6,000 subscribers. It is produced by the team behind Digital Energy Journal, one of the world’s leading magazines and news services for information technology in the oil and gas industry.
Clean Energy Pipeline www.cleanenergypipeline.com
Cleantech Business News https://cleantechbusinessnews.co.uk
Our mission is to inform and connect sustainable businesses in order to facilitate innovation and promote sustainable business opportunities. We achieve this by connecting investors, innovators, business leaders, deal-makers and industry influencers via essential news, editorials and advertorials.
Environment Times https://www.environmenttimes.co.uk/
New Power www.newpower.info
New Power is the key information resource for any organisation with a financial interest in the UK energy sector. Subscription includes:
- Searchable online data on around 2000 UK power projects in operation and in the development pipeline, continuously updated
- News, comment and expert analysis of the UK energy industry, plus interviews with UK energy industry leaders, in the monthly report
For further details email [email protected].