The Rushlight Awards are judged by leading experts in their chosen fields who are entirely independent of sponsors, headline partners and Eventure Media. They have been invited to join the panels due to their impartiality, vast experience and knowledge.
The judges for the Rushlight Awards 2015-16 are as follows:
Roger Barrowcliffe - Chairman of the Institute of Air Quality Management and owner of Clear Air Thinking
Prof Chris Coggins - Visiting Prof Univ of Southampton School of Civil Engineering &Environment, Research Managing Agent for the DEFRA Waste Research Programme, EPSRC Sustainable Urban Environment (Waste) Programme
Alastair Dutton - Strategic Programme Manager, The Crown Estate
Duncan Eggar - Consultant, former Bioenergy Champion at BBSRC
Prof Paul Ekins - Professor of Energy and Environment Policy UCL Energy Institute, University College London, former Member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, co-founder of Forum for the Future
Prof David Elliott - Prof of Technology Policy and co-Director of the Energy & Environment Research Unit, The Open University
Rukhsana Faiz - Vice-Chair, London & South East Group, The Institution of Chemical Engineers and Process Sustainability Consultant WSP.
Malcolm Grimston - Associate Fellow Chatham House and Senior Research Fellow Energy Policy and Management Group, Imperial College
Jim Halliday - Head of Energy Research Unit at (STFC) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Simon Hamlyn - CEO British Hydropower Association
Roy Hathaway - European Policy Advisor, Environmental Services Association
Prof Stuart Haszeldine - Prof of Sedimentary Geology, Edinburgh University
Keith James - WRAP Environmental Policy Manager
Paul Jefferiss - Head of Policy BP, non-exec Renewable Fuels Agency, non-exec Carbon Trust, member DECC’s Renewable Advisory Board and Ofgem’s Environmental Advisory Group
David Lloyd Owen - MD Envisager Ltd, author of 5 books on water markets and management and adviser to a number of investment funds, eg 3i plc and Pictet
Craig Lucas - Acting Director of Science and Innovation at DECC
Steve Malkin - CEO Planet First
Jim Marshall - Policy & Business Advisor, Water UK
Richard Miller - Head of Sustainability, Innovate UK
Bob Moran - Head of Low Carbon Vehicle Regulation, R&D and Procurement, Office for Low Emission Vehicles
Chris Murphy - Deputy Chief Executive CIWM
Prof John Oakey - Head of Energy Technology Centre Cranfield University
Prof Carolyn Roberts - Senior Scientist Environmental Sustainability, The Knowledge Transfer Network and Professor of the Environment at Gresham College
Ashley Roe - Chief Executive, British Water
Prof Tony Roskilly - Director, Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, Newcastle University
David Sanders - Director, Innovation at Carbon Trust
Phil Sheppard - Head of Clean Energy, PERA Technology
Kelsey Lynn Skinner - Director Technology Ventures, Imperial Innovations
John Stewart - Chairman UK Noise Association
Nee-Joo Teh - Head of Renewable Energy, The Knowledge Transfer Network
Clare Wenner - Head of biomass and transport, Renewable Energy Association
Mike Weston - Operations Manager, UKERC
Judging rules:
- The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into concerning the judging process or the decisions made.
- The judges can move an entry to a different category if it is felt that it is more appropiate in the other category.
- The judges can choose not to give an award if the entries are not deemed to be of a suitable standard.
- Judges have the opportunity to give special commendations to entries of particular merit.
- No lobbying of the judges will be allowed.