Supporting Partners
We would like to thank the following organisations which are supporting the Rushlight Show:
BEAMA https://www.beama.org.uk/
BEAMA is the independent expert knowledge base and forum for the electrotechnical industry for the UK and across Europe. Representing over 300 manufacturing companies in the electrotechnical sector, the organisation has significant influence over UK and international political, standardisation and commercial policy.
British Hydropower Association https://www.british-hydro.org/
The BHA promotes the hydropower industry in the UK and abroad and aims to increase the awareness of its quality and scope in the wider world. Hydropower is one of the most reliable, predictable and least environmentally intrusive of all renewable energies.
Business Council for Sustainable Development https://www.bcsd-uk.co.uk/
BCSD-UK is the only affiliated branch in the UK of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Their focus is on the practical implementation of sustainable development values and the promotion of sustainable development as a key to world class business standards and new business opportunities.
Cambridge Cleantech https://www.cambridgecleantech.org.uk/
Cambridge Cleantech supports the growth of environmental goods and services or “cleantech” companies by co-ordinating, supporting and promoting commercial opportunities for our members in Greater Cambridge, home to one of the fastest growing cleantech clusters in Europe.
Cenex https://www.cenex.co.uk/
Cenex is an industry-led public-private partnership set up with the aim of assisting UK industry to build competitive advantage from the global shift to a low carbon economy. It supports innovation through a Knowledge Transfer Network dedicated to low carbon and fuel cell technologies and through brokering a programme of activities focused on technology demonstration, targeting early market adoption and supply chain development.
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists https://www.ciat.org.uk/
The Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists(CIAT) represents over 8,000 professionals working and studying in the field of Architectural Technology. CIAT is internationally recognised as the qualifying body for Chartered Architectural Technologists (MCIAT) and Architectural Technicians (TCIAT).
Circular Economy Club https://www.circulareconomyclub.com
The Circular Economy Club (CEC) is the international network of over 2,600 circular economy professionals and organizations in over 60 countries. CEC’s activity is non-profit, global and open, anyone can join the club online for free. The club exists to connect professionals, spur collaboration, and solve challenges collaboratively because together we can have a higher impact. CEC Members can run the CEC activities in their cities by applying to the CEC Local Organisers program, Members can mentor startups by applying to the CEC Mentors program, or can participate in global challenges that the club sets up regularly.
Cleantuesday https://cleantuesdayparis.fr/home/
Founded in 2008 in Paris, Cleantuesday supports the development of Cleantech and Renewable Energies: Startups, SME, large corporations, investors and local authorities. Since its creation, Cleantuesday has organized more than 250 events from China to Canada and from Morocco to Norway, reaching 20,000 professionals worldwide.
Coal Research Forum https://www.coalresearchforum.org/
It is in the context of the challenges associated with coal utilisation in the UK that the Coal Research Forum acts as a focal point, providing a means of communication between industry, universities and policy-makers.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council https://www.epsrc.ac.uk/
EPSRC is the main UK government agency for funding research and training in engineering and the physical sciences, investing around £740 million a year in a broad range of subjects - from mathematics to materials science, and from information technology to structural engineering.
Future Water Association www.futurewaterassociation.com
The Future Water Association aims to shape the future of the water sector through taking a leadership role with Government, industry, members and the public; focusing on innovation and education; increasing engagement throughout the membership and across the sector; becoming the voice of the sector. It is a modern, innovative and dynamic organisation that inspires, supports and leads the water supply chain: informing the sector about opportunities, the regulators about challenges and Government about policy direction; innovating through Water Dragons and delivering the ‘Innovating the Future’ roadmap; influencing and inspiring the supply chain to develop innovative solutions and new ways of thinking to shape the future of the water sector.
Ground Source Heat Pump Association https://www.gshp.org.uk/
The Ground Source Heat Pump Association principle aims are: to encourage the growth and development of the ground source heat pump industry in the United Kingdom by promoting the efficient and sustainable use of ground source heat pumps, raising awareness of the benefits of ground source heat pumps, assisting in the development and practice of sound industry-related standards; to assist, encourage and support the setting up and maintaining of high standard training for the industry; to provide a forum for information interchange; to liaise with other related organisations in matters of benefit to the industry; to represent the industry in matters of local, national and international interest to members.
Heat Pump Association https://www.heatpumps.org.uk/
The Heat Pump Association (HPA) is the UK’s leading authority on the use and benefits of heat pump technology and includes many of the country’s leading manufacturers of heat pumps, components and associated equipment. The Association influences legislation and other matters that affect the interests of either the industry in general, or its members in particular. In addition, the HPA co-ordinates technical and market research into areas of mutual interest, identified by members with the aim of improving market opportunities for members, at home and abroad.
The Institute of Air Quality Management https://www.iaqm.co.uk/
The Institute of Air Quality Management was launched in November 2002 to provide a focal point for all air quality professionals. Our mission is to be an authoritative voice by maintaining, enhancing and promoting the highest standards of working practices in the field of air quality and for the professional development of those who undertake this work.
Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment https://www.iema.net/
The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) is a not-for-profit membership organisation established to promote best practice standards in environmental management, auditing and assessment. The Institute offers ongoing support to environmental professionals and aims to promote sustainability through improved environmental practice and performance.
The Institution of Environmental Sciences https://www.ies-uk.org.uk/
The Institution is a charitable organisation which promotes and raises public awareness of environmental science by supporting professional scientists and academics working in this crucial arena.
Institute of Water https://www.instituteofwater.org.uk/
Institute of Water is the only professional body concerned solely with the water industry. Formed in 1945, the purpose of IW is to provide unparalleled opportunities to help our members increase their knowledge about those topics that are crucial to the future success of the industry. Our vision is to be the Institution of choice for people engaged in the UK Water Industry by adding value and enjoyment to what they do.
London Cleantech Cluster www.londoncleantechcluster.co.uk
LCC provides a platform to assist with the promotion of the range of quality activities across the region, a means by which they can be effectively coordinated and programmes to identify and address where gaps exist in the support that is needed to effect a successful cleantech sector in a leading sustainable region. LCC has three principal objectives: to support the establishment and growth of cleantech businesses across the region; to attract cleantech businesses and investment from abroad and facilitate the expansion of UK cleantech businesses overseas and to accelerate the roll-out of sustainable solutions across Greater London.
LP Gas Association https://www.lpga.co.uk/LPGA.htm
The LP Gas Association seeks to provide the voice of the LP Gas Industry in the UK and to support its members through the promotion of the benefits of LPG and of safe operations and standards throughout the Industry.
Planet Positive https://www.planet-positive.org/
Planet Positive is a not for profit organisation providing a global environmental mark and inspiring action on climate change for a better way of living. A business, event or product is Planet Positive if it has measured and verified a net positive impact on the planet, its ecosystems and its people. It signifies a high standard of environmental achievement by reducing your greenhouse gas emissions. It also demonstrates a positive attitude to climate change and a better way of living. Business, events, products and individuals carrying this mark are immediately identified as good for the planet.
Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research https://www.sniffer.org.uk/
SNIFFER identifies and manages environmental research on behalf of members and stakeholders. One of their key objectives is to promote and disseminate environmental research, particularly in relation to air, land, water and waste.
Scottish Enterprise https://www.scottish-enterprise.com/
Scottish Enterprise are Scotland’s main economic, enterprise, innovation and investment agency. Their mission is to stimulate economic growth in Scotland by supporting business growth and developing the business environment. Their key priorities are to provide a range of high-quality services to help new high growth businesses; support and develop existing businesses and help Scottish businesses and industries to develop a strong presence in the global economy - building on Scotland’s reputation as a great place to live, work and do business.
Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association https://www.shfca.org.uk/
The Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association provides a one-stop point of contact with regards activities in research, development, and deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies in the Scottish and UK industry. Though established in Scotland, our membership extends beyond our borders with members from around the world. Our industrial members represent all key fuel cell technologies, while our academic members are heading up ground breaking research in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The Association receives financial support from the Scottish Enterprise Energy Team.
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) is the leading trade association for the UK motor industry, providing advice and information to its members and to external organisations. It represents companies throughout the automotive sector from vehicle manufacturers, component and material suppliers to power train providers and design engineers.
Society for the Environment https://www.socenv.org.uk
Through Royal Charter, the Society for the Environment is the custodian of the Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) and Registered Environmental Technician (REnvTech) registers. Being a CEnv or REnvTech is about having the professional knowledge, experience and commitment to apply sustainable thinking throughout your daily working life. Our registrants come from a wide range of sectors and professions, but all strive for environmental innovation and good practice. Join them and showcase your expertise.
Sustainable Energy Ireland https://www.sei.ie/
Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), was established in 2002 as Ireland’s national energy agency. Our vision is that Ireland will become a world leader in sustainable energy and that the authority be a global leader in its field. SEI’s activities are directed across the economy in terms of improving energy efficiency, advancing the development and competitive deployment of renewable sources of energy and combined heat and power and reducing the environmental impact of energy production and use, particularly in respect of greenhouse gas emissions.
UK Energy Research Centre https://www.ukerc.ac.uk/
The UK Energy Research Centre is the focal point for UK research on sustainable energy. It takes an independent, whole-systems approach, drawing on engineering, economics and the physical, environmental and social sciences.
UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association https://www.ukhfca.co.uk/
The UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association acts on behalf of its members to accelerate the commercialization of fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies.
UK Noise Association https://www.ukna.org.uk/
The UK Noise Association brings together a unique coalition of key organisations lobbying on different aspects of noise.
UK Rainwater Harvesting Association https://www.ukrha.org/
The UK Rainwater Harvesting Association serves as a focal point for organisations with business interests in the rainwater harvesting industry. They endeavour to influence opinion and facilitate widespread acceptance of rainwater harvesting technology and provide information to members on a regular basis concerning national and international standards, public enquiries, new legislation and advances in technology.
World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies (WSSET) https://www.wsset.org/
The World Society of Sustainable Energy Technologies is a not for profit organisation. The Society plays a key role in promoting sustainable energy technology and developing partnerships between academic institutions and industry. WSSET supports its members in the advancement of sustainable energy technologies in various ways, including; hosting international seminars and conferences, publishing technical journals and encouraging collaborative research projects in sustainable energy. Membership to the society is free, and quarterly published newsletters keep members up to date with the latest news and events regarding WSSET.