What the Event Brings
As the leading London-based cleantech innovation event, the Rushlight Show 2018 has much to bring to everyone, from those entirely immersed in the vast range of innovations and technologies to those new to the sector. So whether you are a cleantech developing organisation; an established cleantech solutions provider; an investor or financier; an adopter of clean technology solutions; an adviser; a cleantech consultant; a social entrepreneur or community-based scheme; in a business managing your energy and waste proactively or involved in the EU ETS; in the media; the provider of a network or association; a carbon management specialist or just interested in the sector and want to know more, then this event will be just right for you.
The whole event is focused on a celebration and promotion of cleantech innovation. Incorporating the Innovate UK Energy Catalyst Round 4 Showcase and the Rushlight Cleantech Innovation Showcase; the latest innovation and developments at the tip of the resource hierarchy in the Resourceful Conference; the latest market-ready sustainable solutions for corporate customers; all the latest developments and announcements from BEIS on UK Energy strategy and the largest cleantech exhibition in the heart of London, this event combines all that is the latest in energy, cleantech and sustainability.
The Rushlight Show is THE Marketplace that brings together cleantech developers and sustainable solution providers, with investors & financiers and businesses looking to source suppliers and partners for an improved level of sustainability in their supply chain and operations.
If you are a cleantech company you have:
1. the opportunity to display your technologies and meet some major potential customers and investors in the Exhibition
2. the Cleantech Conference, providing an update on public sector financial support, the latest innovations in energy innovation and cleantech in the Innovation Showcase and an excellent opportunity to engage with potential investors, partners and corporate customers.
3. the opportunity to present your company or project to a fixed panel of active cleantech investors or financiers, corporate customers and advisers who will let you know straight away if what you have said is of particular interest to them. This is open to all delegates and the limited pitching slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
4. the Sustainability Solutions Market Panel where delegates can present their cleantech product or service to a panel of leading heads of sustainability and procurement from corporate UK. They will provide immediate feedback on the merits of your proposition as well as consider the proposal for their own purposes. They are all actively developing their supply chains to be as sustainable as possible and they are looking for competitive advantage through sustainability. This is open to all delegates and the limited pitching slots will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
5. If you are involved in any way in the waste and resource sector, the Resourceful Conference will provide the very latest in the development of reuse, sharing, rental, idle capacity utilisation and servitisation at the pinnacle of the waste hierarchy. The conference will set out everything from the role of local authorities, what waste operators are looking for, the experiences of community reuse businesses, what is happening with the development of the Circular Economy and the successes within corporate UK. There is also an unsurpassed opportunity for those specifically in the circular and collaborative economy to present their business to a panel of socially-aware investors, sustainability professionals in corporates, local authorities and housing associations who will provide feedback straight after your presentation.
6. The UK Energy Breakfast & Seminar will seek to set out once and for all the way forward for the UK market, looking at onshore and offshore wind, solar, bioenergy, marine energy, nuclear, fracking, coal-fired power station closures, geothermal and other heating and cooling systems with what remains of the subsidy arrangements and without any financial support. It will provide the platform for the new DG Energy Transformation at BEIS to present his view on the UK Energy Strategy.
If you are a cleantech investor, you can:
1. meet the leading clean technology companies
2. network with your peers and open up opportunities for future collaborations, such as equity syndications
3. ascertain the latest investment opportunities that are developing in the resource reuse sector in the Resourceful Conference
4. hear a number of company and project team presentations which are investor and finance ready
5. position your brand at the heart of the cleantech community
6. develop business relationships with advisers and other professionals who can facilitate the successful investment, management and value realisation stages of the investing cycle
7. inform cleantech companies where your areas of focus lie and what your requirements are for investment consideration.
If you are a Sustainability Director, practitioner, clean technology adopter or customer, then you can:
1. meet and learn about the leading clean technology solutions at the show
2. attend the Sustainable Solutions Market Panel, the Innovation Showcase of the Cleantech Conference and the Resourceful Conference presentations and hear some of the latest cleantech products and services and develop new leads to strengthen the resilience of your supply chain
3. present yourselves as interested players in the clean technology market.
This show is therefore relevant for general senior management, Heads of CSR and Sustainability, Energy and Waste Managers, Facilities Managers, Heads of Logistics and Fleet Management, Operations Directors, Strategy and Business Development Managers. Given that cleantech is effectively a combination of new technologies extending energy, waste, water and environment industries and new innovations for all industry, this show has something for everyone.
If you are a consultant or adviser, then you can:
1. meet and learn about the leading clean technology solutions at the show
2. learn about the latest available technologies which reduce energy demand and so assist in the management of the CRC; reduce reliance on fossil fuel derived electricity; minimise and facilitate the handling of waste; reduce and assist in the management of water and provide environmental remediation
3. attend the Cleantech Conference, meet a range of cleantech companies, investors and financiers and ascertain the latest developments in the cleantech sector
4. attend the Sustainable Solutions Market Panel and meet a range of practitioners with specific experiences of deploying cleantech solutions
5. Attend the Resourceful Conference and learn the very latest position that the infrastructure behind reuse has achieved and the opportunities that now abound in this area.
6. initiate working relationships with investors, other professionals, cleantech companies and key adopters of clean technology solutions
7. learn about the substantial range of business opportunities that the sector is creating
8. ascertain the activities, support and level of engagement of the key public sector departments and publicly-funded independent organisations focused on the sector.
In addition to these major groups, this event will also be of direct interest to:
1. the media who are following all or specific parts of the cleantech sector
2. specialist consultants who advise on cleantech matters
3. carbon management organisations who can meet potential customers and sources of future carbon credits
4. networks and associations representing and bringing together those parties that make up the cleantech sector
5. anyone with a particular interest in the cleantech sector, whether from a low carbon perspective or, as we prefer to refer to it as, a low resource perspective as we seek to pursue a sustainable future of “sub-One Planet living”.