Tarmac who are seeking innovative solutions, thought leaders and disruptors to accelerate their journey to achieving net Zero Carbon.

These ideas can be anything that will contribute towards Tarmac achieving net Zero Carbon.

What is net Zero Carbon?

Achieving net Zero Carbon focuses on 2 key areas:

  1. Cutting carbon emissions to as close to zero as possible​
  2. Capturing and storing or ‘offsetting’ emissions that can’t be eliminated

Responses to the Innovation Challenge must be submitted by 21st February 2020. See https://www.leadingedgeonly.com/network/tarmacdiamond?goal=0_44f8121bc8-011243d9f2-179208181 for more details.

What’s in it for you?

Tarmac will review the entries and invite the companies with the best ideas to join them at their Net Zero Challenge event, to bring together the top ideas for their sector to pitch to Tarmac’s senior business leaders and decision makers, whilst offering up an opportunity to share and develop ideas with other successful innovators.

Finalists will present to a panel of judges, who will then decide an overall winner who Tarmac will work with to develop the ideas further.

All ideas will be considered for their pipeline and an opportunity to collaborate not just within Tarmac but internationally across the wider CRH group.

How to apply

If you are developing solutions or have expertise in this area and would like the opportunity to submit your solution / expertise directly to Tarmac, please go to this link, click “Apply” and follow the steps to submit your solution. Also, please refer to the “how it works” tab for FAQs.