Sustainable Freight Transport

Postponed until 2016

5.30pm - 9.00pm

Hosted by

15 Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1JP


Economic activity depends on effective logistics to supply materials to industry and to move products along the supply chain and eventually to the end consumer. While logistics encompasses a range of activities, the most visible and environmentally damaging element is the extensive use of freight transport.

Transport generally accounts for about 35% to 40% of global total energy end use. Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) alone accounted for 19% of UK transport emissions in 1999-2010, and vans a further 12%, according to the Department for Transport. Shipping is another important, yet polluting, component of freight transportation, accounting for 3% of the world’s greenhouse gases, according to the European Commission. That’s around a billion tonnes of emissions a year, or twice the carbon footprint of aviation.

In the past 30 years, overall freight transport has doubled and road freight transport has tripled, in the process becoming the dominant transport mode. Although there are a number of large players in this field, there are, even during this recent recession, an enormous number of smaller freight operators with fleets which number in single figures. The movement of freight, whether by road, rail, inland waterways or short sea shipping, is vital to the economy of the UK. However, the impacts of congestion, the environment, and an overburdened infrastructure have to be addressed. There is a need for an emphasis on improving sustainability of the freight system, in terms of both enhancing the benefits of a robust freight system and minimising the negative impacts freight movement can have.

Sustainable freight initiatives are designed to deliver systems that:

  • improve the efficiency of distribution
  • minimise congestion
  • make better use of transport infrastructure, including promoting modal change and intermodality
  • reduce noise and disturbance from freight movements
  • minimise the carbon footprint of the whole supply chain

There have been a number of approaches and initiatives to decarbonise the UK logistics system including low carbon vehicles, improved route planning, fuel and load efficiencies, road driver behaviour monitoring, rail electrification, shipping and aviation fuels alternatives, logistics optimisation and reverse logistics, inland waterway regeneration, rail telematics and localisation. The reality is that the transport sector as a whole and the freight subsector in particular still has a long way to go to decarbonise fully and to minimise its environmental impact.

This event will assess where freight transport has reached in its move towards a more sustainable approach and look in detail at each of the road, rail, waterway and air systems to see what else can be done and where the next moves are likely to take place.


5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome – John Drake, Chief Commercial Counsel, Bird & Bird

6.10pm Introduction – Clive Hall, Rushlight Events

6.15pm Road freight overview - Andrew Palmer, Centre for Sustainable Road Freight

6.40pm Digital railway for freight transport - Network Rail

7.00pm Sustainability and shipping - Sustainable Shipping Initiative

7.20pm Panel discussion and Q&A, augmented by

Ian Wainwright, TfL

Sustainable Aviation

John Dodwell, Trustee Canal & River Trust

Who should attend?

This briefing is relevant for anyone who is interested or involved in any aspect of freight and transport. In particular, attendees will be involved with the transport of commercial goods, including logistics companies, businesses with any kind of supply chain or devolved manufacturing, retail distribution, multinationals, consumer delivery service companies, bulky goods managers, warehousing, distribution centres, investors and financiers, analysts, consultants and advisers, transport companies, media; town and transport network planners; other supply chain participants or UK transport sector and industry followers.


To register for this event click HERE.



Andrew Palmer - Centre for Sustainable Road Freight

Andrew is an honorary research fellow at the Logistics Research Centre of Heriot Watt University and is a renowned expert in strategic logistics network design and related quantitative techniques such as computer modelling. He is the original author of the CAST supply chain network planning software which is used by more than 300 major companies throughout the world. For over 30 years Andrew has been involved in a wide range of commercial, UK government and European Commission sponsored projects. He was recently employed by the European Commission as a logistics expert to evaluate proposals, under the Seventh Framework transport call – TREN 2010. His research interest focuses on the sustainability of freight transport and the methods required to improve vehicle capacity utilisation and reduce empty running. He recently completed a one year project for ECR UK, which is run by the Institute of Grocery Distribution, which involved modelling the transport flows of 27 major retailing and manufacturing companies with a view to reducing the number of vehicles on the road, in particular, through collaboration. He has just started working on a three year European Commission project with the acronym CO3 (Collaboration Concepts for Co-modality) which has the aim of identifying and implementing freight transport collaboration opportunities in Europe. He has published many articles, and is a regular speaker at logistics planning and sustainability conferences. His work in home deliveries and sustainable logistics has received media coverage with television interviews and articles in national newspapers.

Ian Wainwright - Transport for London

Having a degree in Town Planning, Ian worked for 18 years in the logistics industry, on a range of third party contracts. Experiences from supply chain reorganisation, depot start-ups and closures, and Trade Union negotiation have given him a valuable insight into the issues, complexities and costs faced by logistics companies and their customers. Ian has now spent 10 years working for Transport for London, most recently responsible for managing the programme to encourage operators and businesses to revise their delivery activity during the 2012 Games. He is Head of the Freight and Fleet Team managing the programme to maximise the safety of freight activity and build on the lessons from the Games, such as retiming deliveries.

John Dodwell - Canal & River Trust

John is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee, and the Investments Committee at the Trust. He qualified as a chartered accountant before moving into corporate finance and corporate law. He is a former finance director or chair of several property companies (including joint ventures), has been a trustee of other charities (including dealing with investments). Since 1961, he has been a member of the Inland Waterways Association (of which he was general secretary 1970-73). John is the former chair of the Commercial Boat Operators Association. He owns an historic narrowboat tug in which he has travelled over many parts of the waterways network.



Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Tuesday 23 June 2015

5.30pm - 9.00pm

Hosted by

15 Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1JP


With transport accounting for approximately a quarter of UK carbon emissions (and road traffic accounting for 80% of that), the decarbonisation of transport is a must if 2050 targets are to be met. A number of technologies to address this issue have been developed over the last decade, including hydrogen fuel cell systems, biofuels, biogas/biomethane and syngas, electric batteries and electric trams. However, the food vs fuel land restrictions and emphasis on reducing organic waste have possibly steered the majority solution away from biofuels and biogas towards electric vehicles, including hydrogen fuel cells, although bioenergy can still have a significant part to play.

The electric vehicles themselves have developed apace and a combination of some cutting edge new cars and the car majors all rolling out their new electric and hybrid vehicles means that the consumer has a wide range of vehicles to consider already, with plenty more coming through.

What is interesting is the other side of the “chicken and egg” paradigm, namely the infrastructure that supports these vehicles. This covers a range of different technologies, solutions and business models, including

  • Battery charging technology advancement, such as fast battery charging
  • Battery development
  • In-journey battery exchange clubs
  • Smart battery charging, merchant charging systems and vehicle-to-grid systems
  • System integration and interoperability
  • Off grid renewable energy charging
  • Hydrogen fuel cells
  • Hydrogen refilling stations
  • Electric trams
  • Battery-driven trains
  • Hub and spoke logistics recharging networks

The road to decarbonisation has been bumpy, with experiences in London illustrating some of the first-mover problems, with more than half of the electric car recharging stations out of service, caused by there being 6 different technologies, a range of different ownership structures and unclear maintenance responsibility. The hydrogen refuelling network has still to reach a critical mass and the cost of electric vehicles for the consumer means that the take-up has not reached the mass market yet.

However, this is all on the cusp of changing for the better. This event will look at the main drivers for this change, the hurdles that are still to be overcome and the likely way forward over the next 5, 10 and 25 years.


5.30pm Registration

6.00pm Welcome – Matt Bonass, Bird & Bird

6.10pm Introduction – Clive Hall, Rushlight Events

6.15pm An Overview of Electric Vehicles Infrastructure today - Darran Messem, Carbon Trust & Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership. His presentation is HERE

6.40pm Accelerating the Electric Vehicle Revolution – Keith Budden, Head of Business Development, Cenex. His presentation is HERE

7.00pm Technology Developments – Denis Naberezhnykh, Head Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles, TRL. His presentation is HERE

7.20pm Panel discussion and Q&A, augmented by

Martin Hale, EV Charging Infrastructure ABB Ltd

Andrew Lee, Principal Consultant Automotive & Transportation, Frost & Sullivan

Scott Snaith, Director 50cycles Ltd


Who should attend?

This briefing is relevant for anyone who is interested or involved in any aspect of transport. In particular, attendees will be electric vehicle manufacturers; battery and charging technology developers and deployers; hydrogen fuel specialists; smart grid participants; electricity network technology and maintenance suppliers; financiers; investors; town and transport network planners; consultants; advisers; analysts; media; intermediaries; other supply chain participants or UK transport sector and industry followers.


To register for this event click HERE


Martin Hale - ABB

Martin heads up Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in UK and Ireland for ABB, a world leader in DC charging solutions. Since opening Europe’s first fast charging station in 2010, ABB has installed thousands of communication connected stations across the world, capable of charging EVs in under 30 minutes. ABB is also a trusted supplier to vehicle OEMs helping them develop the next generation of electrically powered cars and buses. Prior to his current position, Martin also gained experience from the EV Charging operators’ perspective. He has also helped developed new technology markets for other organisations such as BT, Canon, Car Phone Warehouse, eOn, IBM, ICI, Sandoz and Toyota.

Darran Messem - Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership

Darran Messem is International Director for the Carbon Trust and Managing Director of Carbon Trust Certification, and has worked for the Carbon Trust since 2010. In an unpaid capacity he is also Chairman of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, a public-private membership and working group sponsored by the Department for Transport, where he has served as a Board Director since 2005. Prior to joining the Carbon Trust Darran was Vice President Fuel Development for Royal Dutch Shell, and held a variety of roles in Shell in the UK and internationally, including responsibilities for fuel sales to transport fleets and fuel development with motor manufacturers. Darran joined Shell from Cambridge University with a First Class degree in Economic Geography and subsequently undertook a post-graduate diploma in marketing. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and a member of the Hounslow & District Wheelers and Berkshire Triathlon Squad.

Denis Naberezhnykh - Head of ITS and Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Technology, Sustainable Mobility Group, TRL

Denis joined TRL in 2008 and was appointed to Head of ITS and Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Technology in 2014. He has extensive experience in ultra-low emission vehicle (ULEV) technology and over the past seven years has led a variety of national and international research and consultancy projects in areas including electric vehicles (EVs), charging infrastructure and wireless power transfer. Notable areas of Denis’ work include research into EV adoption and related modelling, the distribution of charging infrastructure and the costs and benefits of ULEVs in fleets. Most recently, Denis worked with Highways England to assess the feasibility of implementing dynamic wireless power transfer technology on England’s strategic road network. He is also the technical lead for the London monitoring and evaluation activities in the European project ZeEUS, a project co-funded by the European Commission to assess the feasibility of using electric buses in European cities and assessment of different charging technologies to support their operations. As part of the project, wirelessly charged electric buses will be trialled in London. Before joining TRL, Denis studied physics and particle physics at the Royal Holloway University of London, graduating with first class degree in 2008. He is based at TRL’s head office in Wokingham, Berkshire.

Andrew Lee - Principal Consultant Automotive & Transport, Frost & Sullivan

Andrew has over 12 years of industry and consulting experience in the automotive sector, including product and brand development, market research and growth strategy development. Specific expertise in: Qualitative & quantitative data capture; Data analysis, market modelling & forecasting; External risk assessment & benchmarking; Diversification & new market entry; Innovation, product & brand development; IPO due diligence & business modelling. He has a strong technical background having worked as a project manager for three years for a tier 1 telematics and electronics supplier, six years specialist knowledge in Electric Vehicle market development for production, specialist and motor racing vehicles. Experience includes the development of technology enablers, supporting infrastructures, policies and regulations and expertise in vehicle connectivity relating to new technologies and standards, including V2X, Big Data, IoT, autonomous vehicles and Cyber Security.

Keith Budden

Keith works as Head of Business Development for, Cenex, the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell technologies. Cenex is an independent ‘not-for-profit’ company, established by the UK Government in 2005. Cenex is recognised as the leading EU independent expert in understanding the strategic drivers for, and the economic and environmental benefits arising from, the transition to low carbon vehicles and fuels. Cenex specialises in commercialisation of low carbon vehicle and infrastructure technologies. Cenex currently manages the Plugged in Midland’s electric vehicle charging network on behalf of the Government’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles. Before joining Cenex he spent three years working for E.ON leading on the development of their sustainable cities programm in the South of the UK. He also served as Chair of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership Energy group and Chair of the Low Carbon Working Group for Birmingham Science City. Prior to working for E.ON Keith spent 7 years at Birmingham City Council leading on City wide programmes which included developing Birmingham Energy Savers and large scale renewable energy projects. Keith has over twenty years’ experience in environmental and low carbon policy, programme development and delivery. He became a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2006 in recognition of his work in tackling climate change and in 2010 he was named as one of the West Midlands Green Leaders.