UK Energy: Analysis and Vision


Thursday 28 January 2016, commencing at 8.00am

The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London

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This event opens the Rushlight Show. Breakfast will be served from 8.00am for those who are pre-registered. Breakfast will then finish being available by 8.30am when the panel commences. The panel session will end by 10.00am and delegates for just this part of the event are asked to leave by 11.00am, having had the opportunity to visit the Exhibition or to have impromptu one-to-one meetings in the meeting area.

The presentations will set out once and for all the current position and way forward for the UK energy market, looking at onshore and offshore wind, solar, bioenergy, marine energy, nuclear, fracking, coal-fired power station closures, geothermal and other heating and cooling systems with what remains of the subsidy arrangements and without any financial support.

The decarbonisation of the UK Energy Market is taking place. Whether it is happening fast enough and effectively to meet the needs of energy sustainability, security and affordability is open to question, with sudden policy changes affecting solar and onshore wind in particular. With new nuclear moving forward slowly and fracking being placed as part of the energy source mix, what is the unified UK energy vision and strategy, what is the current economic position for renewables and is it all economically and technologically sustainable? What role will smart meters and grids, energy efficiency and storage play in delivering the final objective?

The recent energy policy “reset” speech by Energy Secretary Amber Rudd included gas as a central element to an energy-secure future. While clearly preferable to coal, new fossil gas-fired power stations will nevertheless be a major source of carbon emissions for the next 50 years if allowed to run unabated. The role of nuclear, another mainstay of the energy portfolio, in improving the affordability of energy is open to challenge.

This seminar will seek to set out the current status of UK energy, the relative costs of the different power generation sources and the likely contributions they can provide. We will assess the waste to energy capacity, the situation of biomass, the role of localised energy and see if hydrogen can play a significant part in the mix.

This is a fundamentally important event for anyone involved with the UK Energy Market.

Recent headings in the press have included:

· UK to close all unabated coal-fired plants by 2025
· Renewable investment holds despite fossil fuel price collapse
· Drax pulls out of £1bn carbon capture project, cites government policy as reason
· Renewable energy outstrips coal for first time in UK electricity mix
· Green light for a tenth gas-to-grid plant in the UK
· Fossil fuels receive four times as many subsidies as renewables, report finds


Chair: Philip New, Chief Executive Energy Systems Catapult

8.35am UK Energy Market Analysis: Craig Edgar, Head of Future Energies, Atkins. His presentation is HERE.

8.50am The Regulation that will achieve the goals: Jeremy Pocklington, Director General Markets & Infrastructure, DECC

9.05am Energy Trader perspective: Jonathan Lydiard-Wilson, Managing Director, Accenture Operations. His presentation is HERE.

9.20am Panel discussion and Q&A, augmented by

Sara Bell, Chief Executive Tempus Energy

Richard Black, Director Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit

10.00am Networking and Exhibition

11.00am Event closes for delegates who are registered for just the UK Energy event



The cost of a UK Energy Breakfast & Seminar ticket is £35 plus VAT, which includes a hot breakfast. the seminar, the exhibition, networking and the whole Show up to 11am.

Registered delegates for the whole Show can join the UK Energy event for free, provided that they pre-register to attend this part of the event before the day.

In summary, you can choose to attend just the UK Energy event for £35 plus VAT and that includes the breakfast, or you can register for the whole Show and the breakfast event too in which case the UK Energy event is free.


To register for this breakfast event, please indicate against the appropriate ticket. By registering for this breakfast event, you will be accepting that your contact details will be passed to the Isle of Man so that they can contact you about the event afterwards and about future such activities. You will be able to unsubscribe from this after the event.



Craig Edgar - Atkins

Craig started his career in the Technology division of Scottish Power, working in projects in a range of sectors including nuclear decommissioning and power generation. He then moved on to Sinclair Knight Merz delivering new build power generation projects in various markets including the UK, Africa and Australia. As SKM were an Australian organisation, Craig took the opportunity to move to a warmer climate and spent two happy years in Perth with his main project being taking the Engineering Manager role for the $500m upgrade of Rio Tinto’s power system including new power generation facilities, new substations and new transmission line infrastructure. In 2008, he returned to the UK to take up the role of Process Group Head with RWE, working in their Engineering division. Again, his concentration was on the power generation market leading a team providing operational asset support to both RWE’s own assets and third party stations as well as leading RWE’s Owner’s Engineering team for the Markinch Biomass CHP project. In 2011, he moved to Atkins Power division and in 2013 joined the board of that business as Head of Growth and Strategy. A key part of his role was to try to understand the power market and then position the Atkins business to best exploit the changes occurring. He continued in that role until early 2015, when he took up an interim role, running the Atkins Offshore Renewables business and helping it secure profitable growth. In late 2015, he was given the challenge of establishing the Future Energies business for Atkins. This new business unit is tasked with ensuring Atkins is a leading player in the fast changing Power and Renewables market with a particular focus on emerging markets and innovative technologies.

Jeremy Pocklington - DECC

Jeremy Pocklington is Director General for Markets and Infrastructure at the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The Director General of the Markets and Infrastructure Group leads the government’s work on energy security and supply, electricity market reforms, and new generation, including low-carbon sources of energy. From 2012-2015, he was Director of the Enterprise and Growth Unit at HM Treasury responsible for policies on growth, business and infrastructure and for advising on public spending for BIS, DfT, DECC and DEFRA. From 2009-2012 he was Director of the Economic and Domestic secretariat at the Cabinet Office. Prior to that he was the Deputy Director in HM Treasury responsible for corporate finance and public-private partnerships. He joined the Treasury in 1997 and has held a range of posts on financial regulation, tax and fiscal policy as well as working as an assistant private secretary to two Chief Secretaries. Jeremy is also a Non-Executive Director of Local Partnerships which provides commercial advice to the public sector. He has an MBA from INSEAD and an MPhil and MA in history from Oxford.

Jonathan Lydiard-Wilson - Accenture

Jonathan is a Managing Director at Accenture where he leads the team for “energy as a service” across EALA (Europe, Africa & Latin American) to major global Industrial and Commercial companies. This includes a comprehensive range of energy sourcing and procurement services across procurement, risk management, regulated rate optimisation, utility bill processing, energy demand management, carbon compliance, renewable energy and advanced energy analytics. Prior to joining Accenture Jonathan was CEO of EnergyQuote JHA (acquired by Accenture in August 2015) Europe’s leading independent energy and carbon consultancy. As a leading energy strategist Jonathan has worked with Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), provided consultancy to global Aerospace, Defence and Security (ADS) companies in their transition into energy markets, negotiated the brokerage of a 20 year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the UK Government (£350m) and worked with Bristol City as one of the UK’s nominated Smart Cities. Jonathan is also a Trustee of The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) charity which is regarded as having launched the “green movement” in the UK over 40 years ago. It provides commercial solutions to climate change (power, water, transportation, buildings, waste, land use) supported by a “live” demonstration area and educational centre. Jonathan also spent time in the British Army, held various non-executive roles, founded a black and white picture gallery and has raised capital for new ventures. He is also a regular speaker and mentors start-up companies within the area of sustainability and renewable energy.

Sara Bell - Tempus Energy

Sara is the CEO of Tempus Energy, an electricity supplier and technology company. Tempus Energy launched an electricity supply business to demonstrate how to reduce customer’s energy bills by moving their flexible electricity consumption to lower price periods using proprietary technology. Sara previously ran the UK Demand Response Association - an industry lobby group focused on ensuring development of appropriate policy frameworks for the UK to benefit from cost savings from increased demand flexibility. Sara is a member of the Strategic Advisory Council for Energy for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), is a Director of the Association of Decentralised Energy, a Trustee of Sustainability First, a member of multiple Ofgem working groups, sits on the National Physical Laboratory Centre for Carbon Measurement Advisory Board, and is a former member of the Singapore Government Climate Change Committee R&D workgroup. Sara holds a Masters in Environmental Management and is a regular speaker at conferences and industry events.

Philip New - Energy Systems Catapult

Philip started at the Energy Systems Catapult in November 2015. Prior to joining the Catapult, Philip was the CEO of BP Alternative Energy, which was made up of a portfolio of operating and developmental renewable energy businesses. These included a material onshore wind operation in the US, significant sugar cane ethanol and renewable electricity production in Brazil, and biotechnology and process engineering research and development activities, delivered through proprietary, joint venture and academic collaboration programmes. He has held a number of positions during his time at BP, with a focus on building new businesses, deploying innovative technologies, understanding changing market structures and working with both consumers and industrial customers. He has been involved in developing policy positions and has worked with a diverse range of external stakeholders. He was an active advocate for the Biofuels sector and engaged with policy makers and opinion leaders in Brussels, Washington and Whitehall. He was a member of the Strategic Advisory Board of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and was on the Governing Board of the Energy Biosciences Institute. He has a MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Oxford.

Richard Black - Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit

Richard Black studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University before joining BBC World Service in 1985 as a studio manager. He subsequently worked there as producer and presenter on a wide range of programming including current affairs, science, health and sport, and as Science Correspondent. He also ran an independent radio production company specialising in health and medicine. As BBC Environment Correspondent, his reporting assignments included many UN summits including five UNFCCC meetings and Rio+20. He reported from the field on issues such as carbon capture and storage, nuclear power, amphibian conservation, whaling, forestry, aquaculture and earthquake prediction. From 2012 Richard was Director of Communications for the Global Ocean Commission prior to setting up ECIU.