Sustainable development and innovative energy solutions are crucial to reducing climate change. The WSSET Innovation Awards recognise the achievements of private individuals and organisations in new sustainable technologies and encourage the wider application of these new developments. The WSSET Awards include innovations in the following categories:

  • Renewable energy systems (e.g., solar, wind and biomass)
  • Power generation technologies (e.g., CHP systems, fuel cells, and anaerobic digestion plants)
  • Energy efficiency (e.g., heat pumps and hybrid solar/gas systems)
  • Low carbon buildings and future cities (e.g., low/zero carbon buildings, sustainable cities)
  • Water treatment and desalination (e.g., solar water desalination)
  • Sustainable materials (e.g., innovative composite materials and aerogels)
  • Waste management and water recycling (e.g., households and construction waste management)
  • Agri-food technologies (e.g., innovative greenhouses and food drying)

Go to for more information & entry forms for the 3rd WSSET Innovation Awards 2018 can be found here: download entry form

The Awards will be assessed by a panel of judges from academic institutions, industry and Government departments and will be presented at the Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET) conference in Wuhan, China, in August 2018.

A certificate and plaque will be awarded to the winners. The Awards will be widely publicised through WSSET website, newsletters and the media.