Cleantech Conference
The main element of this conference in 2019 is the Cleantech Innovation Showcase, involving presentations by some 40 companies with cutting edge clean technologies. In order to have a focus for the presenters, there will be a panel of invited investors, financiers and corporate partners who will indicate privately to the presenters their level of interest in their proposition.
The programme is as follows:
Chair: Christopher Foster, Prova
9.00am Michael Ellis, Minister of State for the Department for Transport. Presenter did not use slides.
9.15am Simon Edmonds, Deputy Executive Chair and Chief Business Officer, and Director - Manufacturing, Materials & Mobility, Innovate UK. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 Simon Edmonds part 1 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 Simon Edmonds part 2
Presenters: Christopher Foster, Prova. Presenter did not use slides.
9.40am to 10.45am Research / Power Forward Challenge session
Ingenza Ltd, Fraser Brown. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 INGENZA
Salford University, Joe Flanagan. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 SALFORD UNIV
Deregallera Ltd, Peter Curran. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 DEREGALLERA
Power Forward Challenge
Power Forward Challenge Introductory Remarks: Sally Fenton, Head of Smart Energy Innovation, BEIS and Megan Wood, Trade Commissioner (Clean Technologies), High Commission of Canada. Presentation slide is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 POWER FORWARD CHALLENGE
Presentation 1: MERLIN. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 MERLIN
Presentation 2: Energy Open Piazza. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 Energy Open Piazza
Presentation 3: ENERGY-IQ. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 ENERGY-IQ
Presentation 4: Cloud ZUoS. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 1 ZUoS
Presentations 5-7: Canadian companies videos are at
Closing Remarks: Sally Fenton, BEIS
10.45am to 11.20am Break and Exhibition
Chair: Tom Kennard, Granted Consultancy.
11.20am Dr Damitha Adikaari, Acting Director for Science & Innovation for Climate & Energy, BEIS. Presenter did not use slides.
11.30am to 1.00pm Early-Mid Investment session
Presenters: Tom Kennard, Granted Consultancy. Presentation is Rushlight Summer Showcase 2019 - 2 Granted Consultancy
Impact Solutions, Tom Rose. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 IMPACT SOLUTIONS
Cyanetics, Daniel Read. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 CYANETICS part 1 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 CYANETICS part 2 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 CYANETICS part 3
Bramble Energy, Tom Mason. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 Bramble Energy part 1 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 Bramble Energy part 2
Avgo Biotech Ltd, Andrew Stacey. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 AVGO BIOTECH
Gengame, Stephane Lee-Favier. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 GenGame
Brill Power, Christoph Birkl. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 BRILL POWER
Green Fuels Research Ltd, Julian Beach. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 GREEN FUELS
Gravitricity, Charlie Blair. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 GRAVITRICITY
FeTu Ltd, Jonathan Fenton. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 FETU part 1 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 FETU part 2
Minibems, Finian Parrick. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 Minibems
Redheat Solutions, David Humphriss. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 REDHEAT SOLUTIONS
Scene Connect, David Jones. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 SCENE CONNECT
12.50pm CleanTech Startups in Flanders: Bart Swaelens, Hd of Tech Transfer & Venture Devt, VITO. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 2 BART SWAELENS
1.00pm to 2.15pm Lunch and Exhibition
1.30pm to 2.15pm Investor Networking, Lunch and Exhibition
Chair: Hamish Corner, Shoosmiths.
2.15pm to 3.40pm Mid-Late investment session
Presenters: Hamish Corner, Shoosmiths. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 HAMISH CORNER
Magway Ltd, Phill Davies. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 MAGWAY
CorrosionRADAR, Chiraz Ennaceur. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 CorrosionRADAR
Rotaheat, Andrew Tulloch. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 ROTAHEAT
Boxergy, Jim Laidlaw. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 BOXERGY
2DHeat Ltd, Chris Redfearn. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 2DHeat
OWLC, Matt Bleasdale. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 OWLC
Kew Technology Ltd, Kevin Chown. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 KEW TECH
Spinetic Energy Ltd, Nick Goddard. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 SPINETIC ENERGY
Oxford Flow, Faris Churcher. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 OXFORD FLOW
Plasma App Ltd, Dmitry Yarmolich. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 PLASMA APP
TISICS Limited, Stephen Kyle-Henney. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 TISICS v2
Sharc Energy, Russell Burton. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 SHARC Energy Systems part 1 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 SHARC Energy Systems part 2
Power Roll, Neil Spann. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 3 POWER ROLL
3.40pm to 4.10pm Break and Exhibition
Chair: Peter Thorniley, Venner Shipley LLP.
4.10pm to 5.45pm Late investment/ Market-ready session
Presenters: Peter Thorniley, Venner Shipley LLP. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 PETER THORNILEY
Coventive Composites, Geoff Foulds. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 COVENTIVE COMP
Solar for Schools, Robert Schrimpff. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 SOLAR FOR SCHOOLS
Alvant Ltd, Richard Thompson. Presentation is not available.
Velocys, Neville Hargreaves. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 VELOCYS
Jelly Products Limited, Gemma Pearce. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 JELLY PRODUCTS
The Zeta Group, Philip Shadbolt. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 ZETA
Alert Technology Ltd, Alan Archer. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 Alert Technology
Mixergy, David White. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 Mixergy Ltd
GRIDSERVE Sustainable Energy, Jerry Stokes. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 GRIDSERVE part 1 and RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 GRIDSERVE part 2
Tetronics (International) Limited, David Deegan. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 TETRONICS
Arcola Energy, Richard Kemp-Harper. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 Arcola Energy
Fiberight Ltd, Dhivya Puri. Presentation is RUSHLIGHT SUMMER SHOWCASE 2019 - 4 FIBERIGHT
2019 Fixed Audience Panel:
Colm O’Sullivan, Principal, OGCI Climate Investments LLP
Andrew Wordsworth, Managing Director, Sustainable Venture development Partners
Gavin Taylor, Assistant General Manager, Energy Dept, Mitsui Europe PLC
Paul Williams, Business Development Manager, Johnson Matthey
John Bromley, Head of Clean Energy, Legal & General Capital
Nick Goddard, Venture Partner, Factor[e] Ventures
Jim Totty, Managing Partner, Earth Capital
Alex Gilbert, Principal, Clean Growth Ltd
Vitaly Lazorin, CEO, Future Matters Venture Capital
Holly Stockbridge, Innovation Manager, Engie
Liena Vilde, Technology Manager, Incubation, National Grid Ventures
Mark Andrew, Technical Lead, Amber Infrastructure Ltd
Cam Ross, Director, Green Angel Syndicate
Jamie Rowles, Head of Investments, Sky Ocean Ventures
Henri Songeur, Investment Executive, Puma Investments
Mina Samaan, Investment Manager, MMC Ventures
Jack Eadie, Principal, Next47
Ian Cooke, Venture Partner, EcoMachines Ventures
Emma Fadlon, Early Stage Investment Archangel, KTN
Victoria Navazo, CFO, Portfolio Manager, Wayra UK
Ali Naini, Managing Director, Turquoise International